Back In South Carolina

On this date, June 20, Carol and I have been for the last three years (2006, 2007, 2008) back in South Carolina. Each occasion marked a kind of transition–the burial of a father, then a mother, and then a family reunion. They weren’t of course all the same kind of transition. Had we been back there this year at our regular time, we might have experienced the big windstorm that hit Laurens County and knocked down trees right and left near Addie and Ed, and Janet and Bobbo, and also near Emily. They got hit pretty hard and I think the juice was out for three days.

The bi costal Tingle clan has been hit by fire in the west, winds in the east. What’s next?

This year, while we are in CA and not SC, Carol and I are going through a different kind of transition.

We are remodeling our condo. We have lived in it since 1993 and none nothing by way of upgrade, except what was forced upon us by a slab leak that destroyed the living room rug and provided the pretext, as well as some insurance money, towards getting a new carpet and some new paint.

This time we are going whole hog. The whole place will get a new coat of paint and the kitchen is being redone.


We have had to move out completely. Everything is stacked in the garage or piled on the back deck under plastic tarp.

I doubt we would have decided to do all we have decided to do had neighbors not said we could camp out on their condo while they take a two week vacation.

So that’s where we are now. Camped out in another condo. I can’t find anything and the cat is going nuts.


I miss South Carolina and all the folks back there.


2 Replies to “Back In South Carolina”

  1. Oh! I am so jealous! What a terrific thing to do. And your neighbors allowing you to use their place was perfect! I am very happy for you. Want to see the final product, too.

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