Nick: I think you’ve found your newest and most passionate writing genre: vblogging. This looks to be the way forward from here, and I’d say your first installment shows great promise as a venue for your ideas and provocations. If you’re taking questions from the world of viewers, here’s my first for you (feel free to respond if you wish–or not): can America educate itself out of its obsession with conspiracy narratives and identity politics, particularly with respect to social media, or is this beyond the pale of “the Academy?” How have you seen conspiracism change in your lifetime, and where do you think it is heading? How should educators respond? (This may require more than one vblog installment to respond to.) Thanks!
Besides being 75 years of age, you are witty and humorous! Made me laugh!
Nick: I think you’ve found your newest and most passionate writing genre: vblogging. This looks to be the way forward from here, and I’d say your first installment shows great promise as a venue for your ideas and provocations. If you’re taking questions from the world of viewers, here’s my first for you (feel free to respond if you wish–or not): can America educate itself out of its obsession with conspiracy narratives and identity politics, particularly with respect to social media, or is this beyond the pale of “the Academy?” How have you seen conspiracism change in your lifetime, and where do you think it is heading? How should educators respond? (This may require more than one vblog installment to respond to.) Thanks!