On the way back, this snowy egret decided, "Well, if you are going this way, I going that way."
And last week when we went out towards the bluff we found interesting pink clouds:
And some morning back I couple weeks I woke feeling extra morose; so Carol suggested we break the usual pattern and go out for breakfast (which we hardly ever do) and after that we went to the official Goleta Beach Park (which we hardly ever do) and walked out by the pier located there:
The little official park has picnic tables and official barbeque pits, and on weekends, especially holidays, Hispanic families gather for heaping big and wonderful smelling barbeque. Sadly, though, according to the real estate agent I speak with where I work out, dozens of homes out where Carol and I live are being forcelosed. Those being dispossessed tend to be large Hispanic families. Lord knows where they are going to go especially since, while house values are dropping, rents are rising.
I share Brother Steve’s concern about the overall economic picture. I see at this moment no reason to change the title of my entry of September 2007 that dealt with the economic outlook and was called "We are Doomed."
I’m glad you got back out to the beach. I needed it. Love the snowy egret!! So, is it warm enough to swim in the Pacific now? I really want to do that some day! I’d like to swim in every ocean around the world EXCEPT the Arctic. Would spend extra time in the Indian Ocean judging by some of the pictures I’ve seen of the Maldives and might never leave the South Pacific if given the opportunity.